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Leapy Lee


60’s entertainer, Disc jockey

Leapy Lee

60’s entertainer, Disc jockey


Leah Ruddock


Model Actress

Leah Ruddock

Model Actress


Larry Thomas Aka


Actor- Seinfeld, Austin Powers. I can't

Larry Thomas Aka

Actor- Seinfeld, Austin Powers. I can't do commercials or mention company names.


Larry Holmes


Boxing Legend, Champion Beat Muhammad Ali

Larry Holmes

Boxing Legend, Champion Beat Muhammad Ali


Lance Archer


Pro Wrestler AEW NJPW GFW

Lance Archer

Pro Wrestler AEW NJPW GFW


Lady Bushra


Drag Queen The OG Bradford bag

Lady Bushra

Drag Queen The OG Bradford bag girl. Hit me up to make special occasion even more iconic


Kurt Angle


WWE Champion Olympic Hero

Kurt Angle

WWE Champion Olympic Hero


Kevin Sorbo


Hercules Andromeda

Kevin Sorbo

Hercules Andromeda


Kevin Sheedy


Former Football Player - Everton An

Kevin Sheedy

Former Football Player - Everton An iconic Everton and Irish national team player. Kevin spent the majority of his career with the Merseyside club and is regarded as one of the Blues' greatest ever players. He played a pivotal role in the era of success under Howard Kendall in the mid-1980s, scoring 97 goals in 357 games for the club between 1982 and 1992. During his extensive career, Kevin also represented Hereford United, Liverpool, Newcastle United and Blackpool. He won the League Championship three times, the FA Charity Shield twice, the League Cup and the European Cup Winners Cup. Kevin also gained 46 caps for the Republic of Ireland scoring Ireland’s first ever World Cup goal in Italia 90


Kevin Ratcliffe


Former Football Player - Everton

Kevin Ratcliffe

Former Football Player - Everton


Kevin Pollak


Actor - Usual Suspects, A Few

Kevin Pollak

Actor - Usual Suspects, A Few Good Men, The Marvelous Mrs. M
