Frequently Asked Questions

HI-YA is a free to use platform, that gives users the ability to create INSTANT personalised celebrity video messages and Share them online or by phone.

We have over a thousand of the most popular names and even many of the less popular ones.
We have also included many generic titles – such as ‘friend’, ‘buddy’, ‘dad’ etc.

Sometimes our names may be spelled a little differently in our selection menu’s, but they can still work. (its all about what you can HEAR the star say!)

Also you can easily check this when you preview your message, and you can always go back and change things, before you are happy to send or share it.

HI-YA is free to use!
We only ask that you login in for the first time with one of your social media accounts, or an email address, so that we can send you a backup link for any messages you create.

Its a one-time-only login and after that you are free to make and share as many different messages as you want!

Its easy!

Just watch this short video which will show you the simple steps – view here

Its really easy!

When your newly created video has generated the preview, you will see a link just below it to ‘share’. This will give you several Share options.

You can also choose to download your video if you wish, to upload it to another online platform – such as for Youtube, Instagram, or your personal Blog etc.

Important to note:  if your are creating your video messages on a desktop, tablet, or laptop,  depending on your setup, you may not have the extra options to share by Whatsapp or SMS (text). These are phone based systems and are automatically available when you use HI-YA on a phone.