Linda Lusardi

Linda Lusardi supermodel in the 80s and 90s Actress in the The Bill, Hollyoaks, A Kind of Magic, Emmerdale, Dancing on Ice, Masterchef, Stage shows, Pygmalion, Happy as s Sandbag, and many more. Starred in Panto every year since 1988. Has her own YouTube show Beauty Angels.


Most videos are recorded within a few hours to a week. You can cancel your request for an automatic refund at anytime (for example if you do not get it in time for a birthday etc).

How it works

You can request a video message for a personal connection, shout-out, proposal, surprise or as a gift for a birthday, wedding, congratulations, christmas, valentines and much more.

1. Choose from the 100s of celebrities (Search by name, category, keyword, genre)

2. Enter the details that you want them to mention (E.g. Names, Birthday, Hobbies etc)

3. Pay safely and securely with any debit or credit card, or Apple Pay or Google Pay

4. You will receive an email with your video and download links as soon as the celebrity has recorded your video

** Most videos are recorded within a few days to 2 weeks

** If you need a video for a specific date you can cancel your request at anytime for a full refund

** Celebrities record videos as and when they can on their computers or smartphones