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Speech Impediment Man


Howard Stern's Wack Pack

Speech Impediment Man

Howard Stern's Wack Pack


Soo (from The


Voiced by actress Brenda Longman (who

Soo (from The

Voiced by actress Brenda Longman (who has been Soo's official voice since 1981) 2023 marks Brenda's 42nd Anniversary working with the beloved yellow bear. Soo has to keep Sooty and Sweep in order or things will get out of hand! She's probably the brainiest and won the "Weakest Link" then appearing in her own right on Loose Women, Pointless Celebrities, This Morning and Bargain Hunt. Brenda will be joining Soo in panto this Christmas and next year will be writing a book about Soo's TV career and adventures over 60 years!




Singer and Actress From Liverpool. In


Singer and Actress From Liverpool. In 1989. hit the charts with You'll never stop me loving you reaching number I in the charts.In 1993 had the great honor of representing the UK in the Eurovision song contest coming second.


Simple Simon


TikTok Star

Simon Gross AKA


Presenter/TV personality. Big Brother 2015

Simon Gross AKA

Presenter/TV personality. Big Brother 2015


Shelly Martinez


Pro Wrestler WWE TNA

Shelly Martinez

Pro Wrestler WWE TNA


Shelley Longworth


Sam Wood from Benidorm, Voice over

Shelley Longworth

Sam Wood from Benidorm, Voice over animations include Felix In messy goes to okidoh, Tessie bear in Noddy, Florrie from the Fimbles, Algie in Little princess,  BB and Lady lux in Freefonix, Chick P in Chop socky chucks.....

24 Hours

Shaun Williamson


Eastenders, Extras Life's Too Short.....

24 Hours

Shaun Williamson

Eastenders, Extras Life's Too Short.....


Sean Kanan


A true renaissance man, Sean Kanan

Sean Kanan

A true renaissance man, Sean Kanan epitomizes the expression “triple threat“ having achieved success as an actor, producer and author. Sean’s first book, The Modern Gentleman: Cooking and Entertaining with Sean Kanan received rave reviews. His second book, Success Factor X, became an Amazon new release best seller one week after its release and was recently named one of the twenty most inspirational books in the last two decades by Book Authority. His new book, Way of the COBRA, is his most personal yet. Drawing upon personal stories WOTC details the strategies and philosophy that he uses to achieve success in his life. “Transform yourself and you can transform the world.” Sean’s acting career exploded with his breakout performance as a villain, Mike Barnes, in the The Karate Kid III beating out over two thousand hopefuls in an open call to his iconic award winning roles in daytime television playing


Scott Hastings


Former Scotland & British & Irish

Scott Hastings

Former Scotland & British & Irish Lions rugby player. Freelance commentator & broadcaster on Rugby7s, 6Nations & WorldCupRugby with ITV Sky & BTSport


Savio Vega



Savio Vega



Sandra Martin



Sandra Martin

