Custom celeb video messages

Sandra Hannah


"Chaneeeel!" - British Internet Icon Mum

Sandra Hannah

"Chaneeeel!" - British Internet Icon Mum of 4 an chaneeelllllllllllll the parrot


Sandi Bogle


Singer & Actress

Sandi Bogle

Singer & Actress


Sammy Root


Love Island S10 Winner

Sammy Root

Love Island S10 Winner


Samantha Fox


Singer-songwriter, Actress, Former glamour model

Samantha Fox

Singer-songwriter, Actress, Former glamour model


Ryan Sidebottom


Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire & England cricketer, Dancing

Ryan Sidebottom

Yorkshire, Nottinghamshire & England cricketer, Dancing on Ice contestant 2019 Good lad, love banter Gin lover


Ryan Carnes


Desperate Housewives Dr. Who, General Hospital.

Ryan Carnes

Desperate Housewives Dr. Who, General Hospital.


Rustie Lee


TV Chef, Actress, Reality Star, Stage

Rustie Lee

TV Chef, Actress, Reality Star, Stage Musicals, Food Festivals GMB, This Morning, Eastenders, Celebrity Super Spa, The Real Marigold Hotel, Celebrity Coach Trip to name but a few. ITV, BBC, CH4, CH5, BBC Radio.


Rula Lenska


Actress, Coronation Street, EastEnders, Doctor Who

Rula Lenska

Actress, Coronation Street, EastEnders, Doctor Who


Roxee Couture


Model, Actress, Presenter, Tv, Movies &

Roxee Couture

Model, Actress, Presenter, Tv, Movies & More


Ronnie Shirley


Reality Star Lizard Lick Towing

Ronnie Shirley

Reality Star Lizard Lick Towing


Rodney Hampton


NFL Super Bowl Campion Lifetime New

Rodney Hampton

NFL Super Bowl Campion Lifetime New York Giant


Rod Stewart Impersonator


"Paul absolutely smashed it with the

Rod Stewart Impersonator

"Paul absolutely smashed it with the personal video message for my friends 40th birthday. He couldn’t have been more helpful or friendly ???? he’s a real ringer for Rod! We even managed to fool some of the family ???? Would definitely recommend. Thanks again Paul!"
