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Daniel Hill


Actor, Well known on BBC comedy+drama’s,

Daniel Hill

Actor, Well known on BBC comedy+drama’s, HARVEY BAINS, WAITING FOR GOD, Yuppie STEPHEN, ONLY FOOLS, CHRIS -DR.WHO SHADA, Prod’ of H-P -7 created role for him , with longest credit in H-P history!


Dan Ewing


Actor, Home and Away, Love And

Dan Ewing

Actor, Home and Away, Love And Monsters, Occupation Rainfall Actor best known for portraying Heath Braxton on Home & Away.


Clive Mantle


Game of Thrones. Robin Hood. Casualty.

Clive Mantle

Game of Thrones. Robin Hood. Casualty. Vicar of Dibley. Alien 3. Theatre, Talking books, Radio, Voice overs and the author of the award winning Freddie Malone adventures books.


Clinton Morrison


Former Professional Footballer

Clinton Morrison

Former Professional Footballer


Clinton Baptiste


Actor and comedian Clinton Baptiste is

Clinton Baptiste

Actor and comedian Clinton Baptiste is the hapless, useless clairvoyant medium psychic from Peter Kay's smash hit comedy Phoenix Nights. Played by Alex Lowe.


Claire Grey


Claire Grey current Mrs Wales and

Claire Grey

Claire Grey current Mrs Wales and Mrs World finalist, I’m also published glamour model from maxpower mag, fhm mag, zoo magazine, and nuts, and also one of the original babestation tv girls


Christopher Maloney


X-Factor Singer

Christopher Maloney

X-Factor Singer


Christopher Daniels


Pro Wrestler AEW TNA ROH

Christopher Daniels

Pro Wrestler AEW TNA ROH


Christian Ingebrigtsen


Singer A1

Chris Simmons


Actor, The Bill, EastEnders, Hollyoaks

Chris Simmons

Actor, The Bill, EastEnders, Hollyoaks


Chris Kirkland


Former Liverpool Goalkeeper Christopher Edmund Kirkland

Chris Kirkland

Former Liverpool Goalkeeper Christopher Edmund Kirkland is an English football coach and former professional goalkeeper who is now the head goalkeeping coach at Colne. As a player, he made 321 league and cup appearances in an 18-year professional career from 1998 to 2016, and won one cap for the English national team in 2006.


Chris Duke


#1 Bestselling Children's Author All proceeds

Chris Duke

#1 Bestselling Children's Author All proceeds will be going to Chris's #mentalhealth school talks
