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Bushwhacker Luke


Former Professional Wrestler Booking

Bushwhacker Luke

Former Professional Wrestler Booking Twitter, FB; IG. Bushwhackerluke @bushwhackerluke snapchat.


Bryan Idol


Pro Wrestler

Bryan Idol

Pro Wrestler


Brittney Savage


Former Professional Wrestler, Model and Actress

Brittney Savage

Former Professional Wrestler, Model and Actress


Brett Domino


Musician and comedian, 8 Out of

Brett Domino

Musician and comedian, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, Jerk and Man Like Mobeen


Brandon Meriweather


2-Time NFL Pro Bowler, former football

Brandon Meriweather

2-Time NFL Pro Bowler, former football player


Brace Land


Reality Star Gigolos

Brace Land

Reality Star Gigolos


Bobby Robertson


Scottish Professional Award Winning Actor and

Bobby Robertson

Scottish Professional Award Winning Actor and Voiceover artist who can be seen in films such as 'The Droving' on Amazon Prime, 'Skinjacker', 'Benediction' and 'Legacy'. Won 'Best Actor' at the Hollywood Golden Age Festival with my film 'Wild is the North' and did various voiceover work.


Bob Champion


Former National Hunts and Grand National

Bob Champion

Former National Hunts and Grand National winning jockey


Bob Bevan



Bob Bevan

BOB “THE Cat” BEVAN MBE After Dinner Legend – first to be honoured by HM The Queen and included in “Who’s Who” – Past President Kent CCC and National Sporting Club – appeared all over the world including several tours of Australia – hosted BBC Radio 5’s 6-0-6 after Danny Baker – regular guest on “Aunties Sporting Bloomers” and “Countdown” – also speechwriter and comedy poet


Blue Meanie


Pro Wrestler ECW WWE

Blue Meanie

Pro Wrestler ECW WWE


Blobbie Williams


International Tubby Pop Star, The World’s

Blobbie Williams

International Tubby Pop Star, The World’s BIGGEST Robbie Williams Parody/Tribute


Bill Fellows


Actor, Coronation Street, Ted Lasso

Bill Fellows

Actor, Coronation Street, Ted Lasso
