Custom celeb video messages

Chesney Hawkes


The One & Only Singer, Musician

Chesney Hawkes

The One & Only Singer, Musician


Cheryl Fergison


I am Cheryl Fergison Best known

Cheryl Fergison

I am Cheryl Fergison Best known for my role as Heather Trott in Eastenders . I'm here to send a personalised video to that someone special and bring a smile to their day .


Cheryl Baker


Bucks Fizz, Eurovision Winner, Record Breakers,

Cheryl Baker

Bucks Fizz, Eurovision Winner, Record Breakers, TV Presenter


Chavo Guerrero Jr


WWE Wrestler 3rd Generation Wrestler

Chavo Guerrero Jr

WWE Wrestler 3rd Generation Wrestler


Charlie Lawson


Coronation Street Doctors, Bread....

Charlie Lawson

Coronation Street Doctors, Bread....


Cecil Fielder


Tigers, Toronto, Yankees

Cecil Fielder

Tigers, Toronto, Yankees


Cassidy Janson


Actress, #Brit & #OlivierAward Winner, Anne

Cassidy Janson

Actress, #Brit & #OlivierAward Winner, Anne Hathaway in Juliet, Carole King in Beautiful Debut album #Cassidy is out now!


Carrie Bernans


Avengers End Game Black Panther, X-Men...

Carrie Bernans

Avengers End Game Black Panther, X-Men...


Carol Wright


Towie Reality Star

Carol Wright

Towie Reality Star


Carlo Bath


Carlo Bath is an Award Winning

Carlo Bath

Carlo Bath is an Award Winning Writer and Director of Movies such as Twinkle Twinkle, The Wrong and Don't Open the Door along with the Award Winning short film Schizophrenia and The upcoming Critters spinoff "Crites" he is also a YouTuber and visual effects artist who has worked on over 40 shows and films over 15 years


Captain Jack Sparrow


Lookalike and Impressionist

Captain Jack Sparrow

Lookalike and Impressionist




Professional Boxer


Professional Boxer
